Tzy Panchak Starts the year with a breathtaking video titled “Like That”

Tzy Panchak Starts the year with a breathtaking video 
titled “Like That”
Often a times, human beings tend to 
change a lot of aspects about themselves just so they may be accepted by an individual or the society. Around us we see a 
lot of girls or guys faking their lifestyle 
just to belong and we all know majority 

of the times it doesn’t end well for them.  Tzy in “like that” is telling us we do not need to change to be accepted.
All you have to do is be yourself and do you and you would find people that will like you for who and what you are. 
Blunation together with CPE joined hands to come up with this amazing piece for 
your listening and watching pleasure. Like that was directed by Nkeng Stephens and produced by newbie yet extremely talented producer, Mr Lee (y’all watch out for this dude).  While anticipating an album from Tzy this year, watch and enjoy “Like that” brewed with a lot of passion and perfection.