He Married A Woman Like That??!

Beautiful isn’t it? Love is a beautiful place, yes it’s a place. One where you share with another in good and bad times alike. Images like this help us keep the faith in finding true love someday with that special someone. And to those who have already found it, may your love blossom like a cherry in season.

To think of forever after seems like a daydreamers job but in the recesses of all human minds we imagine that perfect forever after with an equally perfect partner. These two right here just warm the heart. The courage this woman possesses just adds to her beauty. Likewise the kind, loving heart this man has just makes the union all the more dainty and fine.

After battling cancer she emerged triumphant and is marrying her sweetheart, the smiles on their faces speak a thousand words.

A Mastectomy is complete removal of the breast tissue to cure cancer. Once detected an oncologist will, (depending on the stage) advise a patient to attend chemotherapy sessions, or propose a prophylactic mastectomy – that is, removal of some of the breast and underarm tissue which contains cancerous cells. Or a full Mastectomy which is the complete removal of breast tissues and some underarm tissue. These methods are done stop the cancerous cells from spreading and wrecking more havoc on the body. Or a Lumpectomy which is removal of part of the breast tissue, that which is affected.

It takes about 60 to 90 minutes for a Lumpectomy to be performed, 60 to 120 minutes for a mastectomy, and 60 to 180 minutes for a prophylactic mastectomy.

Cancer survival rates have improved over the years as more and more research is being carried out everyday to find better, less painful mitigation methods destroy cancer cells.

More on this in the next bit. We’re not just entertainers but also educators.

Image credit: https://twitter.com/Bayer/status/827849213081817088